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您所在的位置:首頁 > 新聞列表 行業(yè)新聞>【祖康食品】告訴您南岸咖啡粉過儲存期了不能食用


來源:河北祖健生物科技有限公司 時間:1685232932

【祖康食品】告訴你南岸咖啡粉過食用期了不可以吃。食物安全歷來全都是人類關(guān)注的重中之重,但目前老多食物皆具有著健康隱憂。個別購物中心愛用 一些快過期的食品取出來降價促銷,很多人為了合算就會采辦非常多,購置時不注意觀察儲存期,不小心還食用到逾期。*近,老多朋友提出盲點,逾期的咖啡粉也能不能食?吃了又能如何呢?咖啡粉的保質(zhì)期在每天開封的狀態(tài)下長達24個月。

  Zu Kang Food Co.Ltd.(ZKFCL)is a group company specialized in more than 10kinds of powdered soft drink productsunder the private brand of "De Mei Lin".In light of the national policies ZKFCL has gradually shaped a comprehensive business system which integrates research and development ,processing, marketing and after-sales service. The company covers more than areas of 12,000 square meters in factory layout and more than 8,500 square meters in industry building.
  The principle products of ZKFCL are soft drink of powdered ice cream,coffee,milky tea, and popcorn and so on.
  As an innovative company, ZKFCL established high tech innovate and production platforms, employed Professional R$D team and management personnel. Currently the products of ZKFCL are actively demand by the cities of Chinese market.
ZKFCL follow the philosophy of forgiving ahead with determination,making perfection more perfect, honoringour commitments and seeking continuous innovation to strengthen the win-win corporation with all sides and stride out steadfast to the Great Divine Land of China and all over the World.
  Now Zu Kang people are elaborately building healthy life,creating happy business and producing natural food.

  企業(yè)使命 Company mission
  發(fā)展企業(yè) 成就員工 奉獻社會
  To Develop and improve the company, enhance the employees to success, and make great contributions to society.
  企業(yè)目標 Company target
  To create a glory century enterprise
  企業(yè)精神 Company values
  學(xué)習(xí) 創(chuàng)新 拼搏 進取
  Learning, innovating, struggling, and progressing.
  發(fā)展打造品牌 創(chuàng)新成就未來
  Strengthen the brand by creating; develop the future by innovation.
  經(jīng)營理念 Operation principle
  誠信 合作 競爭 發(fā)展
  Acting with integrity, corporation, competition, and progress
  質(zhì)量理念 Quality principle
  質(zhì)量勝于生命 責(zé)任重于泰山
  Treat the quality as important as life; treat the responsibility as heavy as Mount Tai



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聯(lián)系方式 >>

河北祖健生物科技有限公司 聯(lián)系電話:17743766286 郵箱:sjzzksp@163.com

Power by 93營銷系統(tǒng)????第 【10】


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